Referrals are by far the best way to get the word out about your business, so how do you turn a client into an advocate for your bookkeeping firm? The answer lies in excellent and personable service. Loyalty is earned, after all, not given. But don’t worry: we’ve got some great strategies down below to help you increase client satisfaction and, in turn, organically spread the good word about your bookkeeping firm. At the end of the day, there’s no better marketing strategy than being good at what you do.

Get to Know Your Clients

There is some basic information you should already know about your clients, like their birthdays or the day that you started working together. It may seem trivial, but a simple happy birthday message can go a long way in increasing client satisfaction. You should also try your best to be personable! There’s nothing wrong with starting a meeting by asking a client about their day. 

Get Personal

A one-size-fits-all approach to marketing and communication can be detrimental to client loyalty. Instead, make your clients feel special by tailoring your communication to them individually. No more sending out the same, blanket emails to everyone in your contact list. Personalize them! 

Collecting data about your clients’ needs, interests, and preferences can also help you anticipate opportunities. Some things you should keep track of include what services have been offered to them in the past and what topics often come up in meetings. 

Stay in Touch

There’s nothing more frustrating than bad communication. A client communication plan can save both you and your clients plenty of headaches. This plan would include preferred methods of communication and outline your availability. When your clients know how and where to reach, they’ll feel much more at ease. 

Ask for Feedback

The best way to keep your clients happy is to listen to them and be proactive with problem-solving. Regularly asking for feedback can help prevent serious issues from arising. This can happen in in-person meetings or take the form of surveys you send out periodically. Don’t forget that this sort of feedback doesn’t just make your clients feel important — it can help improve your business overall. 

Be Direct When Asking for Referrals

It might sound awkward, but sometimes the best strategy is to just simply ask. Choose the right clients and the right time, and remind your clients how much value you have provided for their business. Asking for referrals can even help clients feel appreciated because it shows them that you think highly of their opinion. You can also ask for reviews to feature on your website and encourage clients to share your social media posts!

Happy clients become happy advocates, and there’s no better person to represent your company than someone who has already benefited greatly from your services. Don’t forget to check out our other blogs to help you scale your bookkeeping firm, and let us know down below how you’re increasing client satisfaction in the second half of 2024!