Even the best accountants and financial advisors can struggle to market and sell their services. Regardless of how good you are at your job, getting the word out can be challenging — learning to market your accounting advisory skills is basically like learning a new language. Luckily, there are some key areas you can focus your efforts on that are proven to make a difference.

Take Advantage of Word of Mouth

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: word of mouth is by far the most effective way to get your name out there. Your current and former clients are your best asset when it comes to securing new deals. When your clients are happy with the value you bring to their business, they’ll recommend you to other business owners. You can also ask for referrals directly to feature on your website and social media platforms. 

Use Digital Platforms Wisely

Social media is a great tool for digital marketing – as long as you know how to use your channels to your advantage! You should find out where your target audience is going to be looking and then make sure you’re posting there. For example, lots of businesses can be found on LinkedIn and Facebook, so you’ll need to have a LinkedIn and Facebook account dedicated to your business. Though social media platforms offer plenty of paid advertising opportunities, you can also market your services there without spending a dime! Posting regularly and directing your audience to your website is a great place to start. 

Revamp Your Website

Your website should communicate to potential clients who you are and what you offer. You can even use your website to prove to potential clients that you’re an expert they can trust. If you haven’t considered content marketing, now is definitely the time. To attract more clients that are looking for the types of services you offer, you need to post content on your website that they can find. You can create blogs, YouTube videos, and downloadable content to answer advisory questions your clients are likely to look up. 

Make Sure Your Timing is Right

Selling your advisory services is all about knowing your clients and their needs. You already have a pool of potential advisory clients. You know their businesses inside and out, and you should be very familiar with their goals and worries for the future. If you don’t feel like you know your clients that well yet, take some time to establish some strong working relationships. Once you understand their business concerns and needs, you’ll be able to ascertain when you should make your pitch and what you should say. If you know your client wants to scale their business, then that is the aspect you should focus on in your advisory pitch. 

Marketing your advisory services doesn’t have to be the worst part of your job. You already have the skills and experience you need to attract quality clients – all you need now is some exposure! If you focus on these four areas of your marketing strategy, you can increase the number of leads you’re getting and find more clients looking for the exact type of advisory services you provide.