It’s time to do some spring cleaning… and by that, we mean streamlining your accounting workflows! 

You complete so many tasks during your workday, and it can be hard to find the time to overhaul those tasks and decide what’s working… and what isn’t. But by making a few tweaks here and there, you can save yourself time and money by working more efficiently. Here are some ways you can get started streamlining your workflows today!

Gather Feedback

Your team is the lifeblood of your accounting firm, and they intimately understand the business’s day-to-day operations. They probably even have workflow issues they’d like to solve or processes they think could use improvement. You know what they say: two heads are way better than one. Start the process of streamlining your workflows by talking to your team. Bringing everyone together can help you identify problem areas. 

Do a Tech Overhaul

The right tech can make or break a business. If your firm has been in business for a long time, you may find that you’ve become a little set in your ways when it comes to technology. We get it: there are new innovations in tech every day, and it can be difficult to keep up. But you don’t need to have the newest, shiniest apps and tools — you just need the right tech for your business. With your team, discover your tech pain points. Keep in mind that having apps that integrate well with each other can save you a lot of time and headaches!

Looking for a new accounting software? Don’t forget to check out our free trial!

Create Checklists

Checklists are an essential step towards standardizing procedures at your accounting firm, which in turn will help save you time and money. Your work day can be broken down into many smaller tasks, from onboarding a new client or collecting important documents in a timely manner. Documenting your procedures allows you to ensure you aren’t missing any important steps AND deliver the same, great service every time. Imagine how much time you’ll save when every part of your task is clearly outlined for you to follow along! 

Automate Where You Can

Automation is a great way to cut out some of those simple, repetitive tasks that eat into your workday. Consider tasks like sending reminder emails or sorting invoices. When you let automation take the small stuff off your hands, you can focus your energy where it really matters: helping your clients. This can help you and your staff be more productive. 

This spring, let’s work smarter, not harder. Sometimes, a few little tweaks can make a huge difference in your day-to-day workflow — and the best part is, these tweaks are relatively low-effort changes with potentially big rewards. Let us know what you’re doing this quarter to streamline your accounting workflows! 

Are you ready to start documenting your procedures? Be sure to read our other blog for a more in-depth look at how checklists can benefit your accounting firm!