LinkedIn is one of our favorite ways to keep up with old colleagues, spread the news about our business, and make lasting connections, but did you know that it’s also a great tool for your hiring process? It isn’t easy to find the perfect candidate, and chances are, you’ve been through your fair share of awkward interviews and dreary evenings shuffling through applications. You don’t just want an employee, after all; you want someone who is the perfect fit for an already-established team. And candidates aren’t just looking for a gig either — job applicants are looking for a company where they can thrive and find satisfaction in their work. 

If you’ve begun the search for qualified candidates, we can’t recommend enough that you give LinkedIn a try — and here’s why! 

Focus On Yourself First 

At the end of the day, LinkedIn is a social media site, and potential candidates typically won’t respond to any job listing or message from a page that doesn’t even have a profile picture. You have to communicate that your business is legitimate and professional. Build out your profile before you even consider advertising your openings or making connections. This will also give potential applicants a good idea of what kind of company you are in terms of personality and values. 

Make Connections

Business is all about good connections, and LinkedIn was built for that specifically! One of the best ways to find great new employees is through word of mouth. If skilled candidates see that people they trust love your firm, they’ll know that they can trust you too. Connect with current employees, former employees, and your clients. You can also personalize your invitations to connect when you want to reach out to potential candidates! 

Find Some Candidates

There are many ways you can search for job candidates on LinkedIn. Even if you’re searching for people, you can easily see which bookkeepers and accountants are searching for work. You can also find candidates by joining LinkedIn groups and asking current employees to promote your company on their pages.

Advertise Your Openings!

LinkedIn isn’t just a social media site for making professional connections — they also have a job board where you can post your listings! Whether you have the free or premium version of LinkedIn, you can post job openings. Candidates are able to apply directly on LinkedIn and view your company’s profile with a simple click. They can also see how many people have applied and discover if anyone they know is associated with your firm.

Let us know if you’re using LinkedIn in your hiring process — and if not, how are you finding the best candidates for your firm? We wish you the absolute best of luck in your hiring search!